5 pin DIN with Pair Cup Electrodes


A 5-pin DIN connector with pair cup electrodes is a specialized setup often used in electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS). Here's what each component typically entails:

1. **5-Pin DIN Connector**: The 5-pin DIN connector is a type of electrical connector featuring five pins arranged in a circular pattern. It's commonly used in medical equipment due to its durability and secure connection. In EMG and NCS applications, this connector typically interfaces with the EMG machine or nerve conduction stimulator.

2. **Pair Cup Electrodes**: Pair cup electrodes are small, round metal or conductive cups designed to deliver electrical stimulation or record electrical signals from the body. In EMG and NCS procedures, they're commonly used as stimulating or recording electrodes. The cups are filled with conductive gel to improve electrical conductivity and ensure proper skin contact.

The combination of the 5-pin DIN connector and pair cup electrodes allows for a standardized and reliable connection between the EMG machine or nerve conduction stimulator and the electrodes. This ensures accurate signal transmission during stimulation or recording, which is crucial for diagnostic purposes in electromyography and nerve conduction studies.